Adorable Kidz

May 20, 2010

Opening Details

I thought I would let you all know some opening details for the store that you might find helpful.

Firstly I know that some stock numbers are quite low, like on the new Toweling Bibs, don't worry if you miss out as I will definitely be making lots more of these. If you are after a certain print that is sold out you can email me at to preorder one. I may have to order the fabric first though.

Also I know I only have a couple of Boys printed Tickle Blankets, I am working on making more so please keep checking back regularly or flick me an email to the address above if you have a request.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog post, there are a few items that are bargain sale items (other items that are not in the bargain bin) , they have over 50% off on the item and is the last one. So be in quick! There are also lots of other items on sale too so have a good look around :)

Don't forget that orders 4 and 8 will be sent a 10% off voucher code they can use next time or pass onto a friend. If you are the lucky 4 or 8 you will be emailed with your voucher code.

As mentioned on facebook earlier, if you want to pay with your credit card and don't have a PayPal account, don't worry you can still pay with your credit card, our check out will take you through PayPal and at the end you can decide if you want to store your details or not. You don't have to sign up. Its pretty easy and hassel free :)

Well I think thats about all now, I have a few more items to quickly list and then I will be opening the store.

I would love it if people would leave me a message in my guest book on the new shop and tell me what they think and thank you to all my Facebook fans/friends for sharing this excitement with me :)

You all rock!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bekkie,
    I found your lovely blog today thru your facebook page.. Can i say that i love your bibs,they are so cute! esp your latest gitar big, its super cute.. keep up the great work x
    Come and join out blog and say hi x



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